Research Positions
Permanent (CNRS) researcher, Biogéosciences, University of Burgundy, Dijon, France.
Marie Curie postdoctoral researcher, paleoclimate modeling, University of California Riverside, CA, USA and Biogéosciences, Dijon, France.
- Project [3 years]: BioSIGNAL: Biological pump sensitivity and climate change – Interrogating past environmental perturbations. Modeling changes in deep-time marine planktonic communities and their impact on ocean biogeochemistry, with special focus on ocean oxygenation / anoxia.
Postdoctoral researcher, paleoclimate modeling, Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement en Géosciences de l’Environnement (CEREGE), Aix en Provence, France.
- Project [2 years]: Investigating and quantifying the impact of the paleogeographical changes on the potential for reef-carbonate development throughout the Cretaceous.
Ph.D. in paleoclimate modeling, Laboratoire des Sciences du climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE), Paris, France.
- Project [3 years]: Numerical modeling for increased understanding of Ordovician climate. Supervisors: Yannick DONNADIEU (LSCE) and Guillaume LE HIR (IPGP).
- Award: Van Straelen Prize from the French Geological Society (SGF).
- Award: André Prud’homme Prize from the Meteo and Climate Association.
Research Programs
Ongoing projects
ANR (French National project): “Opening the black box of CYCLOstratigraphy: a mechanistic understanding of the pathway between astronomical forcing and marine SEDiments (CYCLO-SED)” [PI; 320 k€].2023–2026
Leverhulme (British project): “Earth System dynamics at the dawn of the animal-rich biosphere“ [Co-applicant; PI: M. Williams; 455 k€].2023–2026
ANR (French National project): “Evolution of the Cambrian-Ordovician Biodiversification Onset Over Space and Time (ECO-BOOST)“ [Partner; PI: B. Lefebvre; 473 k€].
Past projects
French National Programm (INSU-CNRS): “Widespread Oceanic Anoxia during the Weissert Event ? (WOAW)” [Partner; PI: M. Martinez; 9 k€].2023–2024
French National Programm (INSU-CNRS): “RadiatiOnS and ExTincTions in eArly Paleozoic oceans: understanding the dynamics of the early marine biosphere (ROSETTA)” [PI; 15 k€].2019–2022
Marie Curie Global Fellowship (European project): “Biological pump sensitivity and climate change: interrogating past environmental perturbations (BioSIGNAL)“ [PI, 257 k€].2015
French National Programm (INSU-CNRS): “Response of global marine biodiversity to a major climate change: modeling the Ordovician glaciation (445 Ma) with the MITgcm and its marine ecology model Darwin.“ [partner, significantly contributed to the design and writting of the project] (PI: Y Donnadieu).2014
French National Programm (INSU-CNRS): “Ordovician microfossils and environment : did the Early Ordovician onset of cooling of the Early Palaeozoic Icehouse trigger the most important rise in biodiversity in the history of life on Earth?“ [partner] (PI: TRA Vandenbroucke).
Supervision and staff
- ⚠️ Full-funded PhD thesis opportunity in Earth system modeling available, applications welcome ! ⚠️
Ongoing work
- Tristan VADSARIA, Post-doc, 2024–2026, “Improving the representation of continental weathering in the cGENIE model”. Advisor.
- Tom JOALLAND, M2 student, 2025, “Geodynamical evolution, climate change and the development of zone of high marine primary productivity during the Late Cretaceous”. Principal advisor. Co-adviser: E. Pucéat.
- Alexis BALEMBOIS, PhD student, 2023–2026, “Study of global changes in biodiversity from 540 million years to now to better understand and anticipate future alterations in the context of anthropogenic climate change.” Co-adviser. Principal advisers: G. Beaugrand, B. Lefebvre.
Previous work
- Alexis BALEMBOIS, Research Engineer, “Developing a model for the evolution of Phanerozoic marine biodiversity”. [left to start a PhD thesis with us]
- Daniel ELIAHOU, M.Sc. 2nd year (ULCO), “Impact of global climate on biodiversity during the Ordovician”. Co-adviser. Principal adviser: G. Beaugrand. [now code developer for a private company]
- Thanh Nam NGO, 2nd year (Polytech Orléans), “Simulating marine biodiversity using a coupled climate-biodiversity model”. Principal adviser. Co-adviser: A. Brayard.
- Houda BEGHOURA, M.Sc. 1st year (Aix-Marseille University), “Impact of the growth of the Ordovician ice sheet on the atmospheric circulation and the carbon cycle”. Principal adviser. Co-adviser: Y. Donnadieu. [then did a PhD thesis]
- Mourad HAGGUI, M.Sc. 2nd year (Aix-Marseille University), “Coupling paleontological database and paleoceanographical modeling to investigate the paleobiogeography of Cretaceous reef carbonates”. Co-adviser. Principal advisor: J. Borgomano.
Other supervision responsibilities
: Member of the evaluation committee, Master in Earth Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels, Belgium).
Other administrative responsibilities
Member of the communication staff, Biogéosciences
Review activity
- Paleoceanography
- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
- Nature
- Nature Geoscience
- Nature Communications
- Communications Earth & Environment
- The Cryosphere
- Climate of the Past
- Lethaia
- Earth Science Reviews
- Earth System Dynamics
- Geological Magazine
- GSA Bulletin
- Science Advances
- Biogeosciences
- Geosciences
- Geology
- Chemical Geology
- Geological Society of London Special Publications
- Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
- Earth and Planetary Science Letters
- Global and Planetary Change
- Marine and Petroleum Geology
- Ecological Modeling
- Sedimentary Geology
- Geoscientific Model Development
Funding agencies and associations
- National Science Center Poland
- Belgian Physical Society
- ETH Zurich
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)
- Marie-Curie post-doctoral fellowships (7 projects evaluated)