Research Positions
Permanent (CNRS) researcher, Biogéosciences, University of Burgundy, Dijon, France.
Marie Curie postdoctoral researcher, paleoclimate modeling, University of California Riverside, CA, USA and Biogéosciences, Dijon, France.
- Project [3 years]: BioSIGNAL: Biological pump sensitivity and climate change – Interrogating past environmental perturbations. Modeling changes in deep-time marine planktonic communities and their impact on ocean biogeochemistry, with special focus on ocean oxygenation / anoxia.
Postdoctoral researcher, paleoclimate modeling, Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement en Géosciences de l’Environnement (CEREGE), Aix en Provence, France.
- Project [2 years]: Investigating and quantifying the impact of the paleogeographical changes on the potential for reef-carbonate development throughout the Cretaceous.
Ph.D. in paleoclimate modeling, Laboratoire des Sciences du climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE), Paris, France.
- Project [3 years]: Numerical modeling for increased understanding of Ordovician climate. Supervisors: Yannick DONNADIEU (LSCE) and Guillaume LE HIR (IPGP).
- Award: Van Straelen Prize from the French Geological Society (SGF).
- Award: André Prud’homme Prize from the Meteo and Climate Association.
Research Programs
Ongoing projects
ANR (French National project): “Opening the black box of CYCLOstratigraphy: a mechanistic understanding of the pathway between astronomical forcing and marine SEDiments (CYCLO-SED)” [PI; 320 k€].2023–2026
Leverhulme (British project): “Earth System dynamics at the dawn of the animal-rich biosphere“ [Co-applicant; PI: M. Williams; 455 k€].2023–2024
French National Programm (INSU-CNRS): “RadiatiOnS and ExTincTions in eArly Paleozoic oceans: understanding the dynamics of the early marine biosphere (ROSETTA)” [PI; 15 k€].2023
French National Programm (INSU-CNRS): “Widespread Oceanic Anoxia during the Weissert Event ? (WOAW)” [Partner; PI: M. Martinez; 9 k€].2023–2026
ANR (French National project): “Evolution of the Cambrian-Ordovician Biodiversification Onset Over Space and Time (ECO-BOOST)“ [Partner; PI: B. Lefebvre; 473 k€].
Past projects
Marie Curie Global Fellowship (European project): “Biological pump sensitivity and climate change: interrogating past environmental perturbations (BioSIGNAL)“ [PI, 257 k€].2015
French National Programm (INSU-CNRS): “Response of global marine biodiversity to a major climate change: modeling the Ordovician glaciation (445 Ma) with the MITgcm and its marine ecology model Darwin.“ [partner, significantly contributed to the design and writting of the project] (PI: Y Donnadieu).2014
French National Programm (INSU-CNRS): “Ordovician microfossils and environment : did the Early Ordovician onset of cooling of the Early Palaeozoic Icehouse trigger the most important rise in biodiversity in the history of life on Earth?“ [partner] (PI: TRA Vandenbroucke).
Supervision and staff
PhD students
- ⚠️ Full-funded PhD thesis opportunity in Earth system modeling available, applications welcome ! ⚠️
Alexis BALEMBOIS, 2023–2026, “Study of global changes in biodiversity from 540 million years to now to better understand and anticipate future alterations in the context of anthropogenic climate change.” Co-adviser. Principal advisers: G. Beaugrand, B. Lefebvre.
Engineers and post-docs
- [past] Alexis BALEMBOIS, Research Engineer, “Developing a model for the evolution of Phanerozoic marine biodiversity”. Duration: 6 month.
Master / bachelor students
- [past] Daniel ELIAHOU, M.Sc. 2nd year (ULCO), “Impact of global climate on biodiversity during the Ordovician”. Co-adviser. Principal adviser: G. Beaugrand. Duration: 6 month.
- [past] Thanh Nam NGO, 2nd year (Polytech Orléans), “Simulating marine biodiversity using a coupled climate-biodiversity model”. Principal adviser. Co-adviser: A. Brayard. Duration: 1 month.
- [past] Houda BEGHOURA, M.Sc. 1st year (Aix-Marseille University), “Impact of the growth of the Ordovician ice sheet on the atmospheric circulation and the carbon cycle”. Principal adviser. Co-adviser: Y. Donnadieu. Duration: 2 months.
- [past] Mourad HAGGUI, M.Sc. 2nd year (Aix-Marseille University), “Coupling paleontological database and paleoceanographical modeling to investigate the paleobiogeography of Cretaceous reef carbonates”. Co-adviser. Principal advisor: J. Borgomano. Duration: 5 months.
Other supervision responsibilities
: Member of the evaluation committee, Master in Earth Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels, Belgium).
Other administrative responsibilities
Member of the communication staff, Biogéosciences
Membership of scientific societies
- GDR Climat-Environnement-Vie, les apportes du préquaternaire
- GDR Océan et Mers (OMER)
Review activity
- Paleoceanography
- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
- Nature
- Nature Geoscience
- Nature Communications
- Communications Earth & Environment
- The Cryosphere
- Climate of the Past
- Lethaia
- Earth Science Reviews
- Earth System Dynamics
- Geological Magazine
- GSA Bulletin
- Science Advances
- Biogeosciences
- Geosciences
- Geology
- Chemical Geology
- Geological Society of London Special Publications
- Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
- Earth and Planetary Science Letters
- Global and Planetary Change
- Marine and Petroleum Geology
- Ecological Modeling
- Sedimentary Geology
- Geoscientific Model Development
Funding agencies and associations
- National Science Center Poland
- Belgian Physical Society
- ETH Zurich
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)